Every child deserves a place at the table of Humanity.
Children should be taken care of, play, learn and certainly not have to work.
Unfortunately, that is not yet a reality for all of the world’s children.
Our pledge is to work towards that goal.
Education is the right of every child
Working children miss the chance of attending regular school. We strive to provide them with alternatives so that they have a chance at literacy.
Hunger is the #1 killer of children
A malnourished child is an unfocused child. By providing nutritious meals, we help working children learn.
Working children lead hard lives and are not always under the care of loving adults. Through the consistency of our school structures, we provide physical and mental health support.
Earthquake in Khoi
A devastating earthquake has shaken many parts of middle east from Turkey to Syria including western Azerbaijan, Iran. Children are the most vulnerable victims of natural disasters. They have little hands, little faces and even less voice and less representation.
The victims of Khoi earthquake (West Azerbaijan Province, Iran, near Turkey’s border) have been living outdoors in dangerously cold temperatures with no food, clean water, safe heating and shelter and the children have been the victims of the earthquake and the conditions that followed. Let’s give them a helping hand. Donate to our Project Khoi Fund.

Project 200
PROJECT 200 is to support the welfare of some working, street and underprivileged children in Tehran that we have promised not to leave behind.
Your tax deductible donation provides the following per child:
$1 One daily meal ($365 annually)
$25 One year of school supplies
$50 Clothing
$100 Hygiene, health and emotional help
$350 Teacher training and field trips
$890 All of the above
Please donate at dmfund.org
Dollar a Month Fund
IRAN’s Heroes
IRAN’s Heroes
Iran is in the midst of political unrest.
Young people, including teenage girls and boys, have been at the center of the demonstrations and clashes with security forces on the streets, universities and schools.
Many have lost their lives and hundreds have been threatened, arrested, beaten and detained.
Some have been incarcerated in adult prisons, against Iran’s laws.
Dollar A Month Fund has supported the needs of Iran’s children since its establishment 16 years ago.
Right now their needs are greater than ever.
Please donate generously and we will make sure the funds are used to defend these brave children at their time of need.
This Fund is overseen by six members of Board of Director, which will meet on a regular basis to plan and review the needs of the Fund. All Board members volunteer their time and resources without any compensation.